Fire Industry Associations / Regulatory Bodies (6 found)

This academy is designed to educate the public about the Department of Public Safety and to involve citizens in an interactive opportunity to get to know the officers and firefighters on a more personal level. The Grants Pass Department of Public Safety holds a 12-week academy annually.

Ophir Rural Fire Department is a Fire Department located in Gold Beach, CURRY County, in the state of Oregon, United States of America (USA).

Portland Fire & Rescue is Oregon’s fire and emergency services provider. They provide an extensive range of public safety services including fire prevention, public education, response to fire, medical, and other emergency incidents, and disaster mitigation. PF&R is comprised of about 750 employees with a Bureau operating budget of $90.7 million.

The purpose of the Western Fire Chiefs Association is to serve as a representative of choice of (and for) career and volunteer leaders of fire related emergency service organizations throughout the WFCA member states and the Western Pacific Islands. The WFCA helps develop, and supports the work of, those leaders and organizations in order that they may best provide for the protection of people.

Upcoming fire protection events in United States of America (USA)
