Emirates Fire Fighting Equipment FDPA4.5 dry powder automatic fire extinguisher - 4.5 kg

Technical Specification

  • Make: Emirates Fire Fighting Equipment
  • Model code: FDPA4.5
  • Suppression Class: Class A
  • Extinguishing Agent: Dry
Additional info:

Capacity: 4.5 kg. Range: 8 meter. Discharge time: 12-14 sec. Height: 400 mm. Diameter: 195 mm. Fire rating: 21A-89B. Class: A, B, C and E. Extinguishing agent: ABC 70% dry chemical powder. Operating pressure: 15 bar. Test pressure: 30 bar. Operating temperature: 68°C. Cylinder material: cold rolled steel. Mounting: ceiling mounting. Expellant agent: nitrogen. Available in red color.

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Make Emirates Fire Fighting Equipment
Manufacturer Emirates Fire Fighting Equipment Factrory LLC
Category Fire Protection>Extinguishers
Model code FDPA4.5
Suppression Class Class A
Extinguishing Agent Dry
Additional info

Capacity: 4.5 kg. Range: 8 meter. Discharge time: 12-14 sec. Height: 400 mm. Diameter: 195 mm. Fire rating: 21A-89B. Class: A, B, C and E. Extinguishing agent: ABC 70% dry chemical powder. Operating pressure: 15 bar. Test pressure: 30 bar. Operating temperature: 68°C. Cylinder material: cold rolled steel. Mounting: ceiling mounting. Expellant agent: nitrogen. Available in red color.

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