Expotraffic 2015

  • Type: Trade show / Expo
  • 27 - 29 Apr, 2015
  • Moscow, Russian Federation
  • Pavilion 75, VDNKh, 119 Prospect Mira, Moscow, 129223, Russian Federation
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Event Overview:

Expotraffic 2015 – showcasing the latest in road traffic management technology

Expotraffic 2015 will provide a showcase for all the systems, products and services needed for safe and efficient highways operation and traffic management. It offers suppliers in this vital sector a chance to present their capabilities and latest innovations to key representatives of agencies responsible for managing Russia’s highways.

Key visitor target groups:

  • National, regional and local authorities and agencies responsible for highways planning, operation and maintenance
  • Public transport authorities
  • Contractors supplying highways and traffic management products and services
  • Parking services operators
  • Public and private research bodies and institutions

The exhibition will enable companies in this key sector to meet visiting professionals from the many agencies and authorities responsible for highways development, operation and safety.

Visitor Demographics:

  • Visitor Origin:
  • Russian Federation
  • Visitor demographic:
    • Traffic management
    • Road safety systems and equipment
    • Highways operation and maintenance
    • Parking

Event organiser:

  • Organiser:
  • Restec Brooks Exhibitions
  • Address:
  • Romeland House, Romeland Hill, St Albans, United Kingdom (UK)
  • +44 (0) 172 781 4400

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