13 Oct 2009

An arrangement of traditional diya lamps set out in celebration of Diwali
LFB offers advice for fire safety during the Festival of Lights
London Fire Brigade is wishing a safe and happy Diwali to people across the capital. Diwali, or the Festival of Lights, is a key celebration in the Hindu calendar.

This year Diwali begins on Saturday 17th October. To celebrate, people often light small earthenware oil lamps called diyas, as well as setting off fireworks.

A spokesperson for the London Fire Brigade said: "We want everyone to enjoy Diwali but would like to remind people that candles, oil lamps and fireworks all pose serious fire risks.

Candles look attractive but sadly every year they cause lots of fires across London. These fires can cause injuries and even be fatal so please do take care during Diwali."

London Fire Brigade has some simple fire safety advice for Diwali:

  • Make sure candles are placed in a fire-resistant holder
  • All candles, including tea lights, should be put on a heat-resistant surface
  • Keep candles and matches out of the reach of children
  • Keep candles away from draughts and from anything that can catch fire, like curtains or loose clothing
  • Special care should be taken with homemade, decorated candles and diya lamps
  • Ensure fireworks come from a reputable supplier and comply with the British Standard. Always follow the instructions found on each firework and follow the firework code
  • Never leave cooking unattended
  • If a fire does break out, get everyone outside, stay outside and call 999. Never go back into the property to collect belongings
  • If you don't already have one, install a smoke alarm and check it weekly to make sure it works. It will buy you precious time to escape if a fire breaks out