6 Sep 2010
National Citizen Corps Achievement Awards honor the innovative methods adopted in fire protection 

FEMA has given outthe National Citizen Corps Achievement Awards 2010 in ten categories to communities and individuals.

Presented in ten categories, these awards recognize innovative practices and achievements of communities and individuals across the nation that make our neighborhoods safer, stronger and better prepared to manage any emergency situation.  These award winners illustrate how citizens can take action and do their part to be prepared. 

The public is a valuable resource in preparing for, responding to, and recovering from disasters.  Every day around the country, citizens like these take part in community emergency planning, foster successful public-private partnerships, prioritize collaboration, demonstrate creative and innovative local problem solving, implement sound programs that can be modeled for use by other communities, and show how individuals can take action to make a difference in their community.

Award winners by category are as follows. A complete list including category descriptions and finalists is available at their website.

  • Outstanding State Citizen Corps Initiatives Award
    North Dakota Citizen Corps Council

  • Outstanding Citizen Corps Council Award – Serving a Population over 750,000
    Fresno Citizen Corps Council (CA)

  • Outstanding Citizen Corps Council Award – Serving a Population under 750,000
    Washoe County Citizen Homeland Security Council (NV)

  • Collaborative Preparedness Planning Award
    Citizen Corps Council of Pierce County (WA)

  • Preparing the Public Award
    East Baton Rouge Parish Citizen Corps Council (LA)

  • Preparing Community Organizations Award
    Cedar Park Citizen Corps Council (TX)

  • Volunteer Integration Award
    District of Columbia Citizen Corps Council (DC)

  • Newcomer Award 
    New Lenox Citizen Corps (IL)

  • Outstanding Council Serving a Rural Area
    Citizen Corps Council of North Idaho (ID)

  • Individual Achievement Awards
    David Ball - Riverside, California
    Timika Hoffman-Zoller - Chicago, Illinois
    Mary Jean Erschen - Lodi, Wisconsin