7 Jul 2009

The CFOA has offered its condolences to all affected by the Camberwell fire
Leading UK fire authority offer condelences

Following Friday 3rd July's fatal fire in South London, the Chief Fire Officers' Association (CFOA) would like to offer sincere condolences to the families, friends and neighbours affected by this tragedy.

Every Fire and Rescue Service in the UK takes the safety of the public in their homes very seriously indeed. CFOA and all Fire and Rescue Services recognise the greater fire risk that social housing presents, particularly in high rise buildings and the special challenges for owners in ensuring the safety of occupants when fire breaks out.

Fire and Rescue Services work closely with housing authorities to help them provide adequate fire precautionary measures. After every serious incident it is imperative that lessons are learned to avoid similar tragedies in the future. CFOA will ensure that any lessons learned from this fire will be shared with Association members and their Fire and Rescue Services throughout the UK as well as other stakeholders.

CFOA has offered support to the Commissioner of London Fire Brigade and will continue to provide leadership and advice to the wider fire community.