15 Jan 2010

London's firefighters are reminding you to take great care in your home 
With forecasters predicting the coldest winter for 100 years, London's firefighters are reminding people to take great care in their homes during the big freeze.

London Fire Brigade Assistant Commissioner for Community Safety, Andy Hickmott, said: "When the temperature drops and it's freezing outside, the chance of you having a house fire increases. Sadly, you're also more likely to die in a fire during the winter months. That's why we're reminding everyone to take great care with items like electric heaters, candles, electric blankets and cookers.

Try not to leave electric heaters on over night and if you leave the house make sure heaters are switched off."

AC Hickmott's top tips for staying safe in your home during the cold weather:

  • Install smoke alarms - they could save your life
  • Ensure all objects, including things like curtains, are kept clear of heaters. Never leave heaters unattended

    When the temperature drops and it's freezing outside, the chance of you having a house fire increases

  • Ensure all electrical appliances are in safe working order, replacing frayed cords and broken plugs and keeping them free from dust
  • Make sure candles are used with caution and never left unattended
  • Always put out cigarettes carefully and only empty ashtrays when the contents are cool. Never smoke in bed
  • Don't overload plugs - use multi boxes with circuit breakers where possible
  • Always turn off electric blankets before getting into bed
  • Make sure electric blankets are serviced regularly
  • Never leave cooking unattended