8 Mar 2023

The Association for Specialist Fire Protection (ASFP) is delighted to have won the Trade Association Forum’s (TAF’s) Skills Development Award for its training offering.

The Award, which was presented at an Awards dinner at the Brewery in London on 23 February, recognizes the ASFP’s drive to improve its effectiveness and raise competency levels in passive fire protection.

Competency Pathway

The ASFP has developed a series of passive fire protection training courses, across multiple platforms

The ASFP has developed a series of passive fire protection training courses, across multiple platforms. These significant developments will culminate in the establishment of a full Competency Pathway for passive fire protection.

This will be aligned with the RIBA Plan of Works for the design and construction process and reflect the SKEB (Skills, Knowledge, Experience, and Behaviors) across all associated stakeholders.

The Competency Pathway is ASFP’s proactive response to the Grenfell disaster and recognizes the need to improve all areas of SKEB across the entire design, product development, procurement, installation, and sign-off process for passive fire protection systems.

ASFP wins TAF's Skills Development Award

Welcoming this prestigious award, the ASFP’s new Managing Director - Mike Ward commented: “We are delighted to have received this award, which clearly recognizes the ASFP’s dedication to raising awareness of passive fire protection across the construction industry, while improving the services we offer to our members."

He adds, “Our qualifications framework allows ASFP members and others to clearly demonstrate their competence. Once fully developed, our Competency Pathway will offer a clear route for all working in the design and construction sector to achieve the appropriate competency in passive fire protection.”